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Breath of Fresh Air
Essential Oil Blend Recipe

Aromatic description 
A vivid, refreshing aroma with sweet menthol and herbaceous tones. 

Encourages clarity and focus. Supports the respiratory system, helpful for cold & flu remedies. Cleansing and toning action on the skin. 

Ingredient Amount  Description
Lemon oil 35% Elevates mood, sharpens mind. Cleanses skin.
Rosemary oil 25% Stimulates memory. Removes congestion.
Cedarwood Atlas oil 18% Grounding & balancing. Astringent action.
Peppermint oil 12% Brings clarity & focus. Cools & deodorises.
Eucalyptus Blue Gum oil 5% Encourages concentration. Highly cleansing.
Tea Tree oil 5% Refreshing & revitalising. Antiseptic benefits.

Step 1:
Combine all Essential oils in a glass vessel and mix well.  

Step 2: Pour into an amber glass bottle and allow to synergise for 24 hours. 

Step 3: Vaporise to bring mental clarity or use as inhalation blend for cold & flu symptom relief.

Suggested recipes are provided as examples only. Whilst all care has been taken in creating these examples, Sage Cosmetic Coaching accepts no responsibility relating to the manufacture of products. Any responsibility for the performance, efficacy and stability of the product lies with the manufacturer.