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  • Sage Loves Vitamin E

    Sage Loves Vitamin E

    At Sage, we pride ourselves in making formulations that are choc-a-block full of skin-loving ingredients. If we can use a more functional ingredient such as a preservative, antioxidant, wax or emulsifier and also boost the skin benefits, then we know we hit the proverbial nail on the head!

    Vitamin E is the perfect example of an ingredient that provides a protective action to the product, while also delivering amazing skin results. We recommend it for any product where you use a carrier oil to extend the shelf life, keeping the oils fresher for longer. Vitamin E is also indicated for so many skincare preparations due to its countless skin benefits. 

    Read on to discover how Vitamin E can enhance your product today.

    Vitamin E is an antioxidant and it is this action that protects your product. Carrier oils (aka. Vegetable oils) do not grow mould, bacteria or other microbes, but they do degrade with oxygen exposure. The outcome of this degradation is called rancidity and it changes the aroma, texture and efficacy of the product. By adding Vitamin E to your natural skincare you extend the period of time it takes for this to happen, giving it a longer shelf life. 

    Plus, anti-oxidants are vital for fabulous skin, so win-win!

    With a cooling action, Vitamin E partners perfectly with anti-inflammatory ingredients and is helpful for hot, angry and inflamed skin. Think of Vitamin E for after sun treatments, problem skin like eczema or psoriasis, redness and reactivity. Eye creams, facial care and healing products such as our Skin Rescue Serum lend themselves to soothing ingredients. 

    When it comes to healing products, Vitamin E is a must! It is said to help reduce healing time and has a rejuvenating action. Consider including it in healing balms, ointments, nappy rash products and as a part of a natural first aid kit.

    Free radical damage is a major cause of premature signs of ageing. Vitamin E fights the effects of free radicals, helping with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots and poor skin texture. Use Vitamin E in anti-ageing serums, facial oils, creams and lotions for more youthful skin.

    Shop for Vitamin E online now to make your formulations and your skin happ-E!

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