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Natural Massage Oil Base Recipe

A low odour, stable massage oil that provides good slip. It is easily customised with essential oils to offer your bodywork clients a unique tailored treatment. 

Ingredient Amount Description
Sunflower oil 75% Moisturising, light consistency, stable.
Almond Sweet oil 23% Emollient, softening, fast penetrating.
Vitamin E Natural 2% Anti-oxidant, softening, soothes & cools.

Step 1:
 Combine all Carrier oils in a glass vessel and mix well.  

Step 2: Add Vitamin E and mix well

Step 3: Store in a dark bottle away from direct sunlight. 

Suggested recipes are provided as examples only. Whilst all care has been taken in creating these examples, Sage Cosmetic Coaching accepts no responsibility relating to the manufacture of products. Any responsibility for the performance, efficacy and stability of the product lies with the manufacturer.