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Have you ever experienced sore muscles or stiffness as a result of undertaking some for of exercise? If you are like most of us, your answer would be yes! And if that is something you would like to avoid or minimise in the future, you may be interested to know that essential oils can provide some relief and also improve your sporting achievements. Here are some quick and easy ways to enhance your fitness lifestyle...
Whether you're playing a team sport, getting ready to hit the gym for a session with your personal trainer or bending and stretching in a group yoga class, you can enhance your performance with aromatherapy on both a mental and physical level before you even begin.
To put you in the right frame of mind and give a boost to your levels of motivation, inhaling the aroma from a few drops of an essential oil blend on a cotton pad or sweat band around your wrist can provide focus and inspiration to get your body moving.
Try this Motivating blend of:Rosalina oil - 2 dropsLemon Myrtle oil - 2 dropsSandalwood oil - 1 drop
And to enhance your physical preparation, a simple pre-workout leg rub can be intensified by incorporating an aromatherapy massage oil to improve circulation and wake up the muscles to minimise the risk of strain or injury.
Try a Stimulating massage oil blend of:Camellia oil - 20mLRosemary oil - 4 dropsEucalyptus oil - 2 dropsLavender oil - 2 drops
Once you have completed your workout, it is most important to allow your muscles to warm down correctly. The natural lactic acid build-up in the muscles is eliminated over time but a gentle massage can encourage a speedier recovery and help the elimination process. After high intensity sports, muscular cramping can be a debilitating side-effect, and a professional massage treatment is best. But when not possible, a cooling massage blend can alleviate minor discomfort.
Try a Post-Workout massage blend of:Almond oil - 20mLGrapefruit Pink oil - 3 dropsGeranium oil - 2 dropsPetitgrain oil - 2 drops
An Anti-cramping massage blend of:Apricot oil - 20mLPeppermint oil - 2 dropsLemon oil - 2 dropsLime oil - 2 drops
If massage is not a practical option for you, a relaxation bath is an excellent alternative for providing a total after-sport aromatherapy treatment. Simply add a cup of Epsom Salts, a carrier oil and a few drops each of Cedarwood, Orange Sweet and Chamomile oils for a complete muscle and mind recovery soak.
Aromatherapy oils not only smell great, but your body will appreciate the natural physical benefits they provide. Try our tips today and experience an increase in your exercise achievements and overall enjoyment!