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  • Fresh Face Exfoliant Recipe

    Fresh Face Exfoliant Recipe

    There's nothing like an exfoliant to give your skin an extra boost of freshness and rejuvenation! And we've got the perfect formulation for you to try. 

    In a recent product making session, Polly modified one of our existing recipes and created this magical face scrub that is light, creamy and softly smoothing all at the same time. 

    Use this gentle face scrub regularly to improve your skin tone and enhance your complexion. 

    Ingredient Amount Description
    Demineralised Water 187g UV Treated – free from bacteria
    OliveM Emulsifier 10g Forms bond between water & oil molecules
    Camellia oil 30g
    Lightweight oil, easily absorbed, skin softening
    Jojoba oil 12g Excellent for all skin types, similar to sebum
    Natural Vitamin E 2.5mL Anti-oxidant, softening, soothing & healing.
    Lemon oil 1.5mL Brightens a dull or sallow complexion
    Geranium oil 1mL Balances sebum, great cleansing properties
    Leucidal 5mL Broad-spectrum preservative
    Phytocide Elderberry 2.5mL Broad-spectrum preservative
    Jojoba Beads 10g Natural exfoliating granule, gentle action

    Step 1: Pour Water into the larger vessel and heat to 70°C maximum.

    Step 2: Measure Jojoba and Camellia oils & OliveM Emulsifier into the smaller vessel and heat to 70°C maximum.

    Step 3: Add oil phase to water, emulsify for approximately 5 minutes using hand blender in short bursts.

    Step 4: Cool emulsion to approx. 50°C, add Lemon, Geranium & Vitamin E, mix for 1-3 minutes with hand blender.

    Step 5: Add Phytocide and Leucidal, mix for 1 minute. Add Jojoba Beads and mix through thoroughly.

    Step 6: Pour off into bottles and leave to cool to room temperature before closing with pump.

    Makes 2 x 125mL pump bottles.

    Suggested recipes are provided as examples only. Whilst all care has been taken in creating these examples, Sage Cosmetic Coaching accepts no responsibility relating to the manufacture of products. Any responsibility for the performance, efficacy and stability of the product lies with the manufacturer.
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