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  • Gently Soothing Hand Cream Recipe

    Gently Soothing Hand Cream Recipe


    Our hands are often one of the first places on our bodies where we start to see the ageing skin. Think about how much you do with your hands all day long... they touch lots of different surfaces and textures, they go in and out of water, they are exposed to varying temperatures... there's no denying, they work really hard! 

    It's important to keep them regularly moisturised to help minimise the impact of all that hard work. This gently soothing hand cream offers lovely skin-softening properties. It is easily absorbed and has sweet citrus and aromatic notes with warm, luscious undertones. 

    Keep a pump bottle close by for regular application. 

     Ingredient Amount Description
    Lavender Infused Water 72g Soothing, healing, softening properties
    Almond Sweet oil 8g Excellent moisturiser, hydrates the skin
    Jojoba oil 7g Easily absorbed, deeply penetrating
    OliveM Emulsifier 5g Natural emulsifier derived from Olive oil
    Mandarin oil 14 drops Gentle healing action, calms & soothes
    Lavender oil 12 drops Healing, soothing & calming properties
    Ylang Ylang oil 8 drops Promotes cellular renewal, softens skin
    Patchouli oil 6 drops Cools inflamed, cracked, rough skin
    Natural Vitamin E 2mL Anti-oxidant, softening, soothing & healing
    Leucidal 2.5mL Natural preservative
    Phytocide Elderberry 1.5mL Natural preservative

    Step 1: Measure water into vessel and heat to 70°C maximum.

    Step 2: Measure Carrier oils & Emulsifier into another vessel and heat to 70°C maximum.

    Step 3: Once both have reached the same temperature, add oil phase to water, emulsify for approximately 5 minutes using hand blender in short bursts.

    Step 4: Cool emulsion to approx. 50°C, add Essential oils and Vitamin E, mix for 1 minute with hand blender to ensure thorough dispersion.

    Step 5: Add preservatives and mix for 1 final minute.

    Step 6: Dispense into bottle and leave to cool before closing the pump.

    Makes approximately 1 x 100mL bottle 

    Suggested recipes are provided as examples only. Whilst all care has been taken in creating these examples, Sage Cosmetic Coaching accepts no responsibility relating to the manufacture of products. Any responsibility for the performance, efficacy and stability of the product lies with the manufacturer.
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