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  • Stay Stress-Free with Aromatherapy

    Stay Stress-Free with Aromatherapy

    Life these days is fast, there is no denying it. We are all busy with something that occupies our time, whether it's work or study, the kids or other commitments, we are accustom to juggling multiple tasks and have become highly skilled in time management.

    But, it can be difficult to maintain balance and we do not always recognise when our body is reaching full capacity until we react with physical fatigue or even illness.

    It's important to remind ourselves of some of our potential stress indicators and look at developing new beneficial habits that can prolong a relaxed state of mind. These easy-to-follow natural tips will help minimise the impact of everyday stresses and keep you feeling better for longer.

    Physical stress indicators
    Here are a few of the most common indicators of stress...

    Sore muscles
    Inability to concentrate
    Poor memory
    Anxiety or racing thoughts
    Constant worrying
    Moodiness, irritability or short temper
    General unhappiness
    Change in eating habits
    Feelings of isolation or loneliness

    Stress triggers
    If you recognised any of the indicators above, then the next step is to try to ascertain the root cause and trigger of your stress. This can sometimes be difficult, as each of us react to situations in different ways. A few common triggers include:

    - a change in circumstance, such as a new job or the end of a relationship;
    - a fear of something or someone not meeting our expectations, or embarking on something new, or of feeling left out;
    - money problems which can lead us to focus on what we lack rather than what we have;
    - excessive worry caused by over-thinking things and focusing on negative outcomes that we have created in our minds but do not actually exist.

    Even though identifying the true cause can be difficult, in doing so you can open up to either removing the cause or finding a healthy way to manage it.

    Stress relief
    To support the process there are many different stress relief options available. Aromatherapy is one such option that can help get you back on track. Whether you use essential oils in a vaporiser, add a few drops to a bath, incorporate them into a massage or spa treatment or use simple inhalation, the outcome can be very positive. 

    You can try any of the following blends to assist in reduce the effect of daily stress...

    Slow Down Blend
    Bergamot oil - 3 drops
    Frankincense oil - 2 drops
    Ylang Ylang oil - 2 drops

    Sleep Well Blend
    Lavender oil - 3 drops
    Orange Sweet oil - 3 drops
    Chamomile Roman oil - 1 drop

    Fresh Mind Blend
    Lemon oil - 4 drops
    Peppermint oil - 2 drops
    Petitgrain oil - 1 drop

    Keep Calm Blend
    Lime oil - 2 drops
    Sandalwood oil - 2 drops
    Neroli oil - 1 drop

    To support your stress-relief efforts there are other natural remedies you could also consider. Massage, reflexology or preventative naturopathy can assist balancing stress levels. It is also worthwhile reviewing your overall health and nutrition along with looking to minimise your intake of stimulants like sugar or caffeine. 

    Meditation, yoga and breathing exercises can also provide simple methods for keeping centred. Taking time to consciously breathe can make a remarkable difference in a difficult situation. However, as with all medical conditions if you experience persistent symptoms, seeking help from your general practitioner is recommended. 

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